Synopsis Of The Movie “Maleficent”

Maleficent :


The story begins with the story of an old woman. A strong young fairy named Maleficent live in the Moors, which borders the faerie kingdom of man. As a young girl, she fell in love with a human boy, a farm boy, named Stefan who is crazy about Maleficent and big ambition to be king. They met when Stefan Moors entered into the world to steal. Eventually, they became friends, Stefan kissing Maleficent (Isobelle Molloy) and call it a kiss True Love. He and Stefan grew up together until one day Stefan no longer come to see him. Stefan adult (Sharlto Coopley) wants to reach his dream of living in a palace. Meanwhile, adult fairy Maleficent becomes the strongest, the wings grow wider than the other fairies in the world so that he respected Moors.
Maleficent forces defeated King Henry (Kenneth Cranham) in a battle royal where the Moors attacking humans. King of pain and offered his crown to anyone who could kill Maleficent. Stefan came at night and took medicine but could not kill him. Finally, Stefan burning wings Maleficent by using iron (substances that kill fairy) and bring it to the king as evidence of the murder.
Maleficent heartbroken over the betrayal and loss of wing. He began to build the kingdom of darkness in nature fairy. He saved Diaval (Sam Riley) who vowed to serve him for life. Diaval become friends and trust. Diaval can change the shape of a crow into a human to perform the tasks given by the evil Maleficent.
One day, Diaval tell that Stefan is now the king will baptize newborn daughter, Aurora. In return for treason Stefan, Maleficent came uninvited and cursed with a curse sleeping baby. Aurora will sleep forever on 16th birthday after pricked her finger spinner tool. Stefan mercy. Maleficent grant to provide an antidote to the curse of the kiss of true love that is meant to mock kiss of true lovecan not be there.
Stefan burn spinner tool and hide it in a locked room. He sent Aurora to live in the woods with three fairies (Juno Temple, Imelda Staunton, Lesley Manville) until in the 16th birthday of King Stefan haunted by a sense of guilt, the more paranoid, evil and revenge against him.
Although hates Maleficent Aurora (Elle Fanning), but he took care of much when the fairy negligent or failed to do its job. At the age of 15 years, met Aurora and Maleficent Maleficent is believed that the fairy godmother who look after all this time. Aurora spends a lot of time in the supernatural until Maleficent aware that he began to love the princess. He tried to remove the curse of sleep, but in vain.
When Aurora meets Prince Phillip (Brenton Thwaites), they are mutually attracted to each other. Phillip was on his way to the court of King Stefan, but promised to come back soon to see it. On the day before the anniversary of the 16th, the Aurora expressed his desire to stay with Maleficent in the kingdom. However, the fairies let slip telling Aurora about the curse of the evil Maleficent. Feeling sad, Aurora went to his father’s kingdom.
Finally Stefan Aurora was locked in a safe room until the sun sets on the anniversary of Aurora. However, Aurora escaped from a locked room and wandered into the prison that holds all of the spinning-wheel that has been burned. A spinning wheel appears magically and Aurora jabbed a finger on the needle. Maleficent who feel failed to protect Aurora, sneak into the fort palace. He hopes that Phillip could break the curse. Kiss Phillip and Maleficent failed to apologize to the daughter. Maleficent and Aurora kissed her forehead woke up because true love” for Aurora Maleficent as the love of a mother to her daughter. Aurora reaffirmed his desire to stay with Maleficent in the supernatural.
While trying to escape, Maleficent captured by iron nets. Maleficent can not beat the keeper and Stefan are using armor and iron weapons. With the magic last, Maleficent transform into a dragon Diaval. He almost got killed, but Aurora Maleficent wing freed once stolen by his father. With wings, Maleficent beat Stefan who later died.
Aurora became queen who succeeded in uniting the two kingdoms, the kingdom where humans and fairies Phillip also joined with Aurora. The narrator then uncover an old woman who told me this story, which is Aurora. At the end of the story, Aurora said that the kingdom can be united not by a hero or a bad guy, but by someone who became a hero at the same time the evilMaleficent.

Synopsis Of The Movie “The Fault In Our Stars”

The Fault In our Stars : Inspiring Love Story Of Cancer Patientthe fault in our stars
Love someone not because of what he had, but because of what he does not have. If the endless talk of love, and The Fault in Our Stars become one of the best love stories.

Hazel Grace (Shailene Woodley), a teenage girl who does not like any other teenager. Everywhere, he always uses an oxygen tube in his nose and bring the oxygen tube. Yes, he suffered from a severe illness. Lung cancer is the final stage.


It makes Hazel glum, lackluster life, do not have friends, and also skeptical. Activities only read the same novel over and over again. Until then, Hazel required to attend a community with cancer. Of patients until they joined cancer survivors there. Originally Hazel did a half-hearted, but the circumstances turned when he met with August Walter (Ansel Elgort), or Gus.
Like the earth and sky, Hazel is moody, cheerful Gus, Hazel lackluster life, Gus was so excited. The second introduction is inevitable beings, as well as the love that comes between them.
Gus himself is with cancer, to the extent that he had to cut off his right leg and uses a walker. Gus and Hazel seem mismatched at any time. Their journey is filled with laughter, motivation, and other wonderful things. Unfortunately, things have to change when death has spoken. Either Hazel or Gus will be passed away first.
The Fault in Our Stars, a novel adaptation of the best-selling story of the same title by John Green. Teenage love story that has become a familiar target. Nevertheless, there remains another interesting thing is packed with slick by Josh Boone, the director, to make The Fault in Our Stars is so popular.
There are also other contributing factors, the two main actors have the same fresh face. Shailene Woodley is beautiful, and handsome Ansel Elgort. Obviously it is an added value for The Fault in Our Stars.
If you want a total drama, then The Fault in Our Stars was his choice. The flow and the story is light, but even minor scenes can make you loose tears. And not just one time, considering the film has a long duration of 126 minutes.
If talk of moral values​​, The Fault in Our Stars is also not behind. Film from Temple Hill Entertainment is clearly carrying the moral values ​​which we should be grateful to the couple and the life we already have. Do not always complain, because life is not long enough just for that.
The success of The Fault in Our Stars in the United States alone has been proven. With a production budget of 12 million dollars, The Fault in Our Stars has collected a number of domestic profits 80.7 million dollars.
This link movie trailer The Fault In Our Stars.